Why are ‘keep-out’ areas important for PCBs?
Posted: November 27, 2019
When it comes to PCB design, there are a number of factors that need to be taken into account.
UK:E takes on Strictly Kershaw’s!
Posted: November 20, 2019
UK Electronics are proud to announce their first (and highly likely to be their last!) venture into the dark world of ballroom dancing.
The advantages of single-board devices
Posted: November 6, 2019
PCBs come in all shapes, sizes and complexities to meet the changing demand of the technology we use on a daily basis.
UK:E team members sponsorship success
Posted: November 4, 2019
We are pleased to say that UK:E’s purchasing manager Helen and our Technical Manager Kamil have raised over £1000 separately for Dr Kershaw’s Hospice.
The future of PCBs and electronics
Posted: October 24, 2019
At UK Electronics, we’re well aware of how quickly things can change when it comes to technology – and PCBs are no different. This means we’re looking at developments and changes that may impact the work we do as a leading service for PCB assembly in the UK.
Why computer aided design software is so important for PCBs
Posted: October 14, 2019
In our mission to be the best option for PCBs at UK Electronics, we’re always looking at new tools and technology that can make the process easier but also produce better results for our customers.
Common PCB Assembly faults and their prevention
Posted: September 27, 2019
The UK Electronics team are dedicated to ensuring a high quality product every time, following ISO 9001:2015 quality guidelines and working to IPC 610 standards.
PCB design tips that make a big difference to performance
Posted: September 17, 2019
At UK Electronics, we understand the importance of good PCB design to ensure that your components work as expected.
Improving the PCB manufacturing process
Posted: September 16, 2019
At UK Electronics, we’re always looking for ways to improve our service and products, ensuring every customer gets the PCBs they expect.
UK:E take on Colour Blast 2019
Posted: September 5, 2019
Some of the UK:E team are gearing up to take on this years Colour Blast for a great cause!